E-Board 5pm and Membership 6pm
The Monthly Union Meeting is held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at: 423 East Gloria Switch Road, Lafayette, LA 70570. Meeting starts at 5:30 PM. All members in good standing are invited to attend and get future updates. Show your support by attending and get involved with your Local Union.
Meetings are held at the Houston Office as well as on the LiUNA350 App.
Membership meetings are held every third Thursday of the month at 6 pm in Person at the following locations Tulsa office – 11720 E. 21st street, Tulsa, OK 74129 Oklahoma […]
Membership meetings are held in-person at the San Antonio office and virtually via Vonage. A meeting link will be sent to your cell phone.
Virtual Meeting Executive Board - 3pm Delegate Meeting - 4pm
E-Board 5pm and Membership 6pm